
Stay current on the latest technical trends in energy.


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Mon. May 6th to Wed. May 8th

The Charleston Place, Charleston, SC

Past Events

SAGA Wisdom's 2024 Technology Showcase

Tue Feb 27th

Experience the future of oil and gas at the SAGA Wisdom Technology Showcase – where innovation meets industry with groundbreaking technologies from upstream planning to production optimization.

Voluntary Carbon Markets: Navigating the Market in 2023

Thursday, January 19th, 2023 11:30am-1:30pm

A Local Lunch-and-Learn - The Ampersand, East Tower, 15th Floor, 140 4 Ave SW, Calgary, AB


Mon. April 3rd to Wed. April 5th

SÖKKVABEKKR (Old Norse: [sɔk:wabek:r]; “treasure bank”) is Saga Wisdom’s annual technical conference, where knowledge and merriment are shared together in keeping with ancient Viking customs.


Mon. April 11th to Wed. April 13th

SÖKKVABEKKR (Old Norse: [sɔk:wabek:r]; “treasure bank”) is Saga Wisdom’s annual technical conference, where knowledge and merriment are shared together in keeping with ancient Viking customs.

Decarbonization Approaches to Energy Resource Extraction

Thursday, June 24th 2021 @ 9:00AM MDT

Decarbonization Approaches to Energy Resource Extraction

Game-Changing New Tech to Better Understand and Develop Unconventional Reservoirs

Friday, May 14th 10am-12pm Central Friday, May 21st 10am-12pm Central

Game-Changing New Tech to Better Understand and Develop Unconventional Reservoirs

Maximizing Value from Petrophysical Data

Friday, November 20th, 10am-12pm CDT

Practical Insights To Guide Development Decisions

RTA for Production Engineers

Webinar 1 – Fri., Oct. 16th, 2020, 10AM – 12PM CDT <br /> Webinar 2 – Fri., Oct. 23rd, 2020, 10AM – 12PM CDT

Simple Techniques to Quantity Uplift Potential

Beyond Buzzwords: How to Become Data Driven in a Changing Oil & Gas Landscape

Thursday July 9th 10:00 am in Central Time (US and Canada)

How to Become Data Driven in a Changing Oil & Gas Landscape

RTA/PTA in a Shut-In Environment

Testing Opportunities with High ROI

RTA Workshop

Wed. March 18th to Thu. March 19th (8:30am to 4:30pm)

Advanced Rate Transient Analysis Workshop for Unconventionals – Houston, TX


Sun Nov.17th to Tues Nov. 19th

SÖKKVABEKKR (Old Norse: [sɔk:wabek:r]; “treasure bank”) is Saga Wisdom’s annual technical conference, where knowledge and merriment are shared together in keeping with ancient Viking customs.

RTA Workshop

Wed Jun 26th to Thu Jun 27th (8:30am to 4:30pm)

Advanced Rate Transient Analysis (RTA) Workshop for Unconventionals - Denver, CO

RTA Workshop

Wed Jun 5th to Thu June 6th (8:30am to 4:30pm)

Advanced Rate Transient Analysis Workshop for Unconventionals (Houston, TX)

RTA Workshop

Tue Mar 5th to Wed Mar 6th (8:30am to 4:30pm)

Advanced Rate Transient Analysis (RTA) Workshop for Unconventionals - Houston, TX